A Better World Network leverages the power of stories, connection and collaboration to inspire a better world.

“We can inspire a better world with each connection we make, if we are still and present in the moment, really listening to a person, hearing their story, and acting with meaning and kindness.”

— Sam


Our Work

Our mission when starting a project is to always ask the question “how will what we do contribute positively to the world? lift a community, create joy, inspire a movement or improve a life? and we build this into all aspects, wherever possible.

Here is a snapshot of the last few years.


Our Mission

Through our projects and collaborations we try to build in moments, stories and experiences that remind people what it is to be human, what’s important, to feel something - compassion - joy - exhilaration, to be of service in some way, your own way and to be kind. To find meaning in each moment and in each thing we do, to see each other for our differences and our sameness, celebrating everything we all are.

There can be a Better World.